
A.T. Juniper (Liverpool) Ltd
Marshall Works
5-17 Bleasdale Road
L18 5JB

Tel: +44 (0) 151 733 1553
Fax: +44 (0) 151 734 3166

Also at:
Ash House, Prenton Way
North Cheshire Trading Estate
Prenton, Wirral
England CH43 3DU

All mail to the
Liverpool address only.

Contractor Cage Code:

Juniper now deals with 530 customers worldwide

New directions...

After the turn of the century, contaminated water from engine washes increasingly became an environmental issue; the waste contains heavy metals which could seep into the local water table and contaminate local drinking water. 

Juniper addressed this problem by using our patented Kyoto Containment Mat which is rolled out under the engine to collect the waste. The system has been neatly packaged and made portable and convenient by means of a purpose made trailer.

The trailer is fitted with a powered roller to dispense and retrieve the Mat, together with a high power vacuum cleaner to collect up all the waste water into an 85 gallon tank fitted along the base of the trailer. Collected waste water could then be taken away and disposed of safely and/or put through our hanger based Filtration System which cleans up the water to either re-use in the wash rig or dispose of down the local drain.

When airlines finally got the message that water washing not only keeps engines on the wing longer, reduces overall costs and saves large amounts of fuel, competition to the Juniper system began to emerge.

However, none of our competitors has the experience we have, and our major threat now comes from an all singing, all dancing unit that not only washes the engines but collects and re-cycles the waste water as well. On the downside, this system comes at an extremely high price that only rich airlines can afford; is relatively inflexible (washes have to be booked well in advance) and produces no better results than the Juniper system. 

For the cost of just six engine washes using this service you could buy a Juniper rig and tooling outright, giving you the flexibility to wash your engines when and where you want and not in accordance with a pre-booked time slot, which if you missed it would cost you dearly.

The Juniper system is versatile, modular and affordable and if the waste water has to be collected and filtered, we can supply the separate units to accomplish this. 

Juniper can now proudly say that our extensive range of commercial and military wash rigs, together with a tooling list for over 45 engine types, are capable of washing every aircraft engine on the market today. When you add this to the fact that we are able to adapt and modify any of our rigs to a customer's requirements, and we can also give operators the assurance that spare parts will be available for many years to come, then the Juniper system begins to look like a very cost effective option.